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Cross Care Dietetics & Nutrition 

In-Clinic & Home-Visit Available 

Cross Care Smithfield
Cross care Smithfield
Nutritional Cooking

Multi Award Winning Super Clinic

Best Occupational Therapy & Speech Pathology Provider - Sydney
Most Outstanding Healthcare Improvement Service
Best Mobile Multidisciplinary Healthcare Provider NSW

Looking for a Dietitian near you?

- We provide Home-Visit services

- We rovide In-clinic services

We have a dedicated team of mobile therapists ready to come to you wherever you are!

NDIS Dietitian near me
Child Dietetics services  
NDIS Dietitian near me
Adult Dietetics services 

If you are overweight and concerned about your diet, or if you have a problem with your health that relates to your diet, a dietitian can help. It’s important to know how to find a registered dietitian and what to expect when you make an appointment.


What is a Dietitian?

Dietitian's help people to understand the relationship between food and health. They also help people change their diet so that they can become healthier, and stay healthy.

A dietitian is an expert in dietetics; that is, human nutrition and the regulation of diet. A dietitian alters their patient's nutrition based upon their medical condition and individual needs. Dietitian's are regulated healthcare professionals licensed to assess, diagnose, and treat nutritional requirements.

Cross Care Smithfield
Cross care Smithfield
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