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Formalised Assessments & Reports Available at Cross Care

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Occupational Therapy Formal Assessments & Reports

Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System – 3rd Edition (ABAS-3)
This assessment provides a complete picture of adaptive skills across the life span.
Adaptive behaviour refers to the age-appropriate behaviours that all people, with or without disabilities, need to live independently and to function well in daily life.
It is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments.

Sensory Profile 2 (SP-2)

The Sensory Profile 2 (child and adolescent/adult) provides an evaluation of an individual’s sensory processing patterns in the context of everyday life.
This assessment is questionnaire based and can help clinicians determine how sensory processing patterns may be contributing to or interfering with the individual’s participation in activities.
The child forms are completed by caregivers and teachers, whilst the adolescent/adult forms are completed by the individual themselves.

Paediatric Evaluation of Disability – Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT)

The PEDI-CAT measures abilities in three functional domains: Daily Activities, Mobility and Social/Cognitive.  The PEDI-CAT’s Responsibility domain measures the extent to which the caregiver or child takes responsibility for managing complex, multi-step life tasks.
The PEDI-CAT can be used with all clinical diagnoses and is designed for use with children and youth (birth through 20 years of age) with a variety of physical and/or behavioural conditions.
The PEDI-CAT can be administered by professional judgment of clinicians or educators who are familiar with the child or by parent report.

Allen Cognitive Level Screen – 5th Edition (ACLS)

The Allen Cognitive Level Screen (ACLS) is an evidence-based, standardized screening assessment of functional cognition developed within the framework of the cognitive disabilities model.
The cognitive disabilities model emphasises on the integration of the cognitive functional ability of an individual and the level of activities that an individual is able and willing to perform. 
The ACLS provides a quick estimate of an individual’s learning and problem-solving abilities during performance of three visual motor tasks of increasing complexity.

Movement Assessment Battery for Children – 2nd Edition (Movement – ABC 2)

The Movement ABC-2 contains 8 tasks for each age range in three areas: Manual Dexterity, Ball Skills and Static and Dynamic Balance. Total standard scores and percentiles are provided. A profile of a child’s performance over the different sections of the test can be examined.
The assessment is paralleled by an observational approach with item-specific observations designed to help the examiner focus on the perceptual-motor aspects and overall evaluation to pinpoint emotional and motivational difficulties the child may have in relation to motor tasks


Bayley Scale 

The Bayley is recognised internationally as one of the most comprehensive tools to assess children from as young as one-month-old.

With Bayley-III, it is possible to obtain detailed information even from non-verbal children as to their functioning.

Children are assessed in the five key developmental domains of:

  • Cognition

  • Language

  • Social-emotional

  • Motor

  • Adaptive behaviour

Bayley identifies infant and toddler strengths and competencies, as well as their weakness. It also provides a valid and reliable measure of a child's abilities. It's useful in programme evaluation, ongoing monitoring of progress and outcome measurement.


Speech Pathology Formal Assessments & Reports 

CELF-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals) Language assessment


* For ages 5-21;11

- A combination of 5 key sections assessing a different component of language, yet all
contributing to the overall picture of a person’s language ability
- 5 key sections include core language, receptive language, expressive language,
language content and language memory 


Provides an assessment for receptive and expressive language. Can determine if a language disorder is present, the nature of the disorder and its severity. This assessment is norm-referenced so can compare a clients speech to typically developing children of the same age

* For ages 5-21;11

PLS-5 (The Preschool Language Scales Fifth Edition) Language assessment + articulation (speech) screener


* For ages birth - 7;11

A comprehensive, interactive and play-based developmental language assessment that
investigates both a child’s understanding of language and expressive communication, in
addition to the child’s speech sounds
- 3 sections include: auditory comprehension, expressive communication and total
language score

This is an interactive, play-based assessment that determines if a language disorder is present. It can also provide information on a child's interaction, attention, gestures, vocalisations, play skills and literacy (e.g. letter naming etc). This assessment is norm-referenced so can compare a clients speech to typically developing children of the same age.

DEAP (Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology) Speech Assessment

* For ages 3- 6;11

Detects and differentiates between articulation problems, delayed phonology and
consistent versus inconsistent phonological disorders
- Provides the clinician with the sounds that a child can and cannot produce, or is not
producing, and gives an overview of their oral-motor skills

Provides assessment for articulation, phonology, promotor ability and inconsistency of a speech disorder, thus it assists with differential diagnosis of speech disorders. This assessment is norm-referenced so can compare a clients speech to typically developing children of the same age. 

The CELF–5 Metalinguistics

* For students 9-21 years 

The CELF–5 Metalinguistics is designed to identify students 9-21 years old who have not acquired the expected levels of communicative competence and metalinguistic ability for their age. It assesses higher-level language skills that is embedded in upper-grade curricula and critical to classroom success.

The Triple C: Checklist of Communication Competencies

For ages: 12 years + 

The Triple C is a communication assessment that is designed for use with adolescents to adults, with little to no speech. It assess the different stages of communication and identifies the stage of communication the participant is at. It also assesses functional skills and communication skills from the earliest unintentional level of communication to the final level of communication. 

The Rosetti Infant-Toddler Language Scale


Ages: Birth - 3 years old

- An examination of 6 preverbal and verbal areas of communication and interaction that reflects a child’s development.

- 6 sections include: Interaction-Attachment, Pragmatics, Gesture, Play, Language Comprehension, Language Expression

Psychology  Formal Assessments & Reports 

  • WISC - V (CHild IQ)

  • WAIS -IV (Adult IQ)

  • Vineland (Adaptive behaviour assessment all ages)

  • Mental health assessments (DASS, etc)

  • SDQ (Child and adult behaviour assessment)

  • ADI-R (Autism assessment)

  • Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, or WIAT-III for short.Learning Disabilities (such as Dyslexia) 

Cross Care Smithfield
Cross care Smithfield
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